Nature is anything but benevolent. It is selfish and aggressive. It thinks only of its own continuity, whatever the cost: to renew itself, it destroys. To preserve itself, it attacks. If you grant it an opening, it slips inside with what you least expect.
The vineyard is a fragile and precious space that we have snatched from nature: we are its sentinels, because we never let our guard down. We are its keepers, because we attend to its needs with care.
Only ten hectares, all grouped together: we know everything about our microcosm and its microclimate. We monitor it on a daily basis, interpreting the signals that each plant sends us and immediately intervening with the most appropriate operations.
Of course, we prioritise the natural approach whenever possible: for example, we strip fewer leaves, to protect the grapes from excessive sun, or we grass the ground to keep it firm and prevent landslides.
When more targeted measures are needed, we use common sense, intervening only if and when it is strictly necessary for the well-being of the vine, respecting the soil and its balance.
We are specialised in our microcosm, but we cast our sights far beyond its boundaries. We adhere to the SQNPI (the national quality system for integrated production) and collaborate with Wine Research Team, the organisation led by oenologist Riccardo Cotarella which instils scientific rigour into viticulture.
Experience, good practices and excellent partnerships help us to rescue the vine from the vagaries of a climate that is becoming increasingly mocking and difficult to predict. That’s why the harvest is a celebration: it means we’ve gotten the better of nature and its unpredictability. And we have brought to the winery a grape that has the right characteristics to become the wine we like.
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Colombo Antonio e Figli
Società Agricola Semplice
Reg. Cafra 172/B – Bubbio, 14051 (Asti) Italia
Tel. +39 0144 852807 –
VAT: 01317970059
Colombo Antonio e figli – Società Agricola Semplice
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